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汤晓智 教授

发布时间 :2012-10-09文字 :汤晓智浏览量 :












2008年,美国Cereplast Inc.,研发部,研究员




(1) 全谷物食品的品质提升:借助先进挤压重组加工手段,通过研究不同粮食原料加工过程中大分子的结构、功能变化及其对产品品质的影响,调控食品加工过程,创制开发功能化的全谷物主食食品。

(2) 天然高分子材料的性能提升与工业化应用:(1)天然高分子(多糖、蛋白)的结构与功能修饰,基于天然高分子及其复合物的可食膜及性能增强;(2)淀粉、纤维素、壳聚糖基生物可降解材料的设计与工业化应用;

(3) 食品质量安全检测技术研究:(1)结合光谱分析、核磁等无损检测技术手段快速预测谷物及食品品质;(2)利用电化学、拉曼光谱结合新型纳米材料实现食品中污染物的快速检测。











1. USDA-NRI Competitive Grant, 20081503, Development of cross-linked bio-nanocomposite packaging films with enhanced barrier and mechanical properties, 2008.9-2011.8$498,130Co-PI , 已完成。

2. 十二五国家科技支撑计划项目子课题,2012BAD34B08-10现代杂粮食品加工关键技术研究与示范-粗粮改性营养片的研制开发及全程产业链技术规程研究,2012.1-2014.12主持,已完成。

3. 十三五国家重点研发计划子课题,2018YFD0401003-04,大宗面制品适度加工关键技术装备研发与示范-速冻全麦油条加工关键技术研究与示范,2018.7-2020.12,主持,已完成。

4. 十三五国家重点研发计划食品安全关键技术研发重点专项项目,2018YFC1603400,食品安全检验在线质控系统研究,2018.12-2021.122538万,项目主持。


Ni Zhang, Jing Han, Fenglian Chen, Chengcheng Gao*, Xiaozhi Tang*, Chitosan/gum Arabic complexes to stabilize Pickering emulsions: relationship between the preparation, structure and oil- water interfacial activity, Food Hydrocolloids, 2022

Weiwei Cheng, Qiaoyun Zhang, Di Wu, Yuling Yang, Yan Zhang, Xiaozhi Tang* A facile electrochemical method for rapid determination of 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol in soy sauce based on nanoporous gold capped with molecularly imprinted polymer, Food Control. 2022, 134, 108750

Li Gao, Weiwei Cheng*, Meixia Fu, Di Wu, Xiaozhi Tang*, Effect of improved extrusion cooking technology modified buckwheat flour on whole buckwheat dough and noodle quality, Food Structure, 2022, 31, 100248

Tong Chen, Yufei Shen, Di Wu, Rong Wu, Jie Sheng, Xiao Feng*, Xiaozhi Tang*, Biodegradable Films of  Chitosan and  Tea Polyphenols Catalyzed by Laccase and Their Physical and Antioxidant Activities, Food Bioscience, 2022 ,101513

Yating Zhao, Fenglian Chen, Chengcheng Gao*, Xiao Feng, Xiaozhi Tang*, Structure, physical and antioxidant properties of quinoa protein /hsian-tsao gum composite biodegradable active films, LWT, 2022,155,112985

Xiang Xu, Chengcheng Gao, Jingwen Xu, Linghan Meng*, Zhenjiong Wang, Yuling Yang, Xinchun Shen, Xiaozhi Tang*, Hydration and plasticization effects of maltodextrin on the structure and cooking quality of extruded whole buckwheat noodles, Food Chem. 2022, 374, 131613

Qiaoyun Zhang, Weiwei Cheng, Di Wu, Yuling Yang, Xiao Feng, Chengcheng Gao, Linghan Meng, Xinchun Shen, Yan Zhang, Xiaozhi Tang*, An electrochemical method for determination of Amaranth in drinks using functionalized graphene oxide/chitosan/ionic liquid nanocomposite supported nanoporous goldFood Chem. 2022367130727

Kaiyue Cen, Xi Yu, Chengcheng Gao, Xiao Feng*, Xiaozhi Tang*, Effects of Different Vegetable Oils and Ultrasonicated Quinoa Protein Nanoparticles on the Rheological Properties of Pickering Emulsion and Freeze-Thaw Stability of Emulsion Gels, Journal of Cereal Science, 2021, 102,103350

Yaoyao Xu, Kehong Hou, Chengcheng Gao, Xiao Feng, Weiwei Cheng, Di Wu, Linghan Meng, Yuling Yang, Xinchun Shen, Yan Zhang, Xiaozhi Tang*Characterization of chitosan film with cinnamon essential oil emulsion co-stabilized by ethyl-Nα-lauroyl-L-arginate hydrochloride and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021,  18824-31

Xuyang Sun, Linghan Meng, Xiaozhi Tang* Retrogradation behavior of extruded whole buckwheat noodles: An innovative water pre-cooling retrogradation treatment, Journal of Cereal Science, 2021, 99, 103234

Yang Tang, Chengcheng Gao*, Yan Zhang, Xiaozhi Tang*, The microstructure and physiochemical stability of Pickering emulsions stabilized by chitosan particles coating with sodium alginate: Influence of the ratio between chitosan and sodium alginate, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 183, 1402-1409

Kehong Hou, Yaoyao Xu, Kaiyue Cen, Chengcheng Gao, Xiao Feng* , Xiaozhi Tang*, Nanoemulsion of Cinnamon Essential Oil Co 1 -emulsified with Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin and Tween-80: Antibacterial Activity, Stability and Slow Release Performance, Food Bioscience, 202143101232

Xiao Feng, Yujia Sun, Yuyan Yang, Xin Zhou, Kaiyue Cen, Chen Yu, Tian Xu, Xiaozhi Tang*, Zein Nanoparticle Stabilized Pickering Emulsion Enriched with Cinnamon Oil and Its Effects on Pound Cakes, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 122, 109025

Yifu Chu, ChengCheng Gao, Xiaoya Liu, Ni Zhang, Tian Xu, Xiao Feng, Yuling Yang, Xinchun Shen, Xiaozhi Tang*Improvement of storage quality of strawberries by pullulan coatings incorporated with cinnamon essential oil nanoemulsionLWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020122109054

Tian Xu, ChengCheng Gao, Xiao Feng, Di Wu, Linghan Meng, Weiwei Cheng, Yan Zhang, Xiaozhi Tang*, Characterization of chitosan based polyelectrolyte films incorporated with OSA-modified gum arabic-stabilized cinnamon essential oil emulsions, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020,150, 362-370

Meixia Fu, Xuyang Sun, Di Wu, Linghan Meng, Xiao Feng, Weiwei Cheng, Chengcheng Gao, Yuling Yang, Xinchun Shen, Xiaozhi Tang*Effect of partial substitution of buckwheat on cooking characteristics, nutritional composition, and in vitro starch digestibility of extruded gluten-free rice noodlesLWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 126, 109332

Yaoyao Xu, Yifu Chu, Xiao Feng, Chengcheng Gao, Di Wu, Weiwei Cheng, Linghan Meng, Yan Zhang and Xiaozhi Tang* , Effects of zein stabilized clove essential oil Pickering emulsion on the structure and properties of chitosan-based edible films, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 156, 111-119

Jing Han, Fenglian Chen, Chengcheng Gao*, Yan Zhang, Xiaozhi Tang** Environmental Stability and Curcumin Release Properties of Pickering Emulsion Stabilized by Chitosan/Gum Arabic Nanoparticles, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 157, 202-211

Yifu Chu, Weiwei Cheng, Xiao Feng, Chengcheng Gao, Di Wu, Linghan Meng, Yan Zhang, Xiaozhi Tang*Fabrication, structure and properties of pullulan-based active films incorporated with ultrasound-assisted cinnamon essential oil nanoemulsionsFood Packaging and Shelf Life 2020, 25, 100547

Weiwei Cheng, Li Gao, Di Wu, Chengcheng Gao, Linghan Meng, Xiao Feng, Xiaozhi Tang*Effect of improved extrusion cooking technology on structure, physiochemical and nutritional characteristics of physically modified buckwheat flour: its potential use as food ingredientsLWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020,133,109872

Xiao Feng, Wenyu Wang, Yifu Chu, Chengcheng Gao, Qin Liu, Xiaozhi Tang*Effect of cinnamon essential oil nanoemulsion emulsified by OSA modified starch on the structure and properties of pullulan based films, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020, 134, 110123