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吴思邈 副教授

发布时间 :2020-05-09文字 :吴思邈浏览量 :













  制备新型正渗透膜 正向溶质扩散 反向溶质扩散 功能性汲取液强化苹果汁品质 膜改性缓解浓差极化 增效浓缩性能


改性接枝 抗膜污染 与多酚联合抗氧化 抗菌材料 重金属形态 吸附机理 毒理评估


  能源回收 水资源回收 产电性能抑制反向溶质通量 汲取液选择利用反向溶质通量 汲取液回收 化弱势为优势机理分析


鸟粪石回收(回收铵镁) 水资源回收 膜污染控制 工艺优化


 电流可控铁缓释 电流精准控制过硫酸盐活化 反应效率最大化 自由基激发分析


  重金属分析解毒 不同粒径中二噁英富集特征 汞含量、形态、浸出特征 持久性自由基形成机制及其毒理效应 健康风险评估







1. 2021.01-2023.01 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持人

2. 2020.07-2023.06 江苏省科技项目基础研究计划(自然科学基金)--青年基金项目,主持人

3. 2023.10-2024.10 工业固废电化学特性分析技术开发, 校企合作

4. 2020.01-2022.06反向溶质扩散强化正渗透膜微生物燃料电池性能研究及膜污染控制,污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室(同济大学;南京大学)开放课题基金,主持人

5. 2018:美国环境研究与教育基金会 (Environmental Research and Education Foundation, EREF),项目参与人

6. 2018:美国弗吉尼亚理工大学关键技术和应用科学研究所 (Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS)),项目参与人

7. 2016.8-2020.7:美国国家科学基金会 (National Science Foundation, #1603190): Enhancing Bioenergy Recovery from Wastewater in an Integrated Microbial-Algal Photobioelectrochemical System,项目参与人

8. 2016.1-2018.12:国家自然科学重大研究计划 (91543123): 固体废物焚烧源细颗粒物持久性自由基的分布特征、形成机制及其毒理效应,项目参与人

9. 2015.1-2017.12:青年科学基金 (41402311):汞砷痕量元素在燃煤副产物脱硫石膏中富集的地球化学特征及其资源化利用的风险,项目参与人


1. Wu, S.*, Jiang H., Lu, J.* (2023) Adsorptive performance and mechanism exploration of L-lysine functionalized celluloses for enhanced removal of Pb(II) from aqueous medium. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 242, 124997.

2. Jiang H., Wu, S.*, Zhou, J.* (2023) Preparation and modification of nanocellulose and its application to heavy metal adsorption: A review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 236, 123916.

3. Wu, S.*, An, Y., Lu, J., Yu, Q., He, Z.* (2022) EDTA-Na2 as a recoverable draw solute for water extraction in forward osmosis. Environmental Research, 205, 112521.

4. Wu, S., Zou, S., Yang, Y., Qian, G., He, Z.* (2018). Enhancing the performance of an osmotic microbial fuel cell through self-buffering with reverse-fluxed sodium bicarbonate. Chemical Engineering Journal, 349, 241-248.

5. Wu, S., Liang, G., Guan, X., Qian, G., He, Z.* (2019). Precise Control of Iron Activating Persulfate by Current Generation in an Electrochemical Membrane Reactor. Environment International, 131, 105024.

6. Wu, S., Zou, S., Liang, G., Qian, G., He, Z.* (2018). Enhancing recovery of magnesium as struvite from landfill leachate by pretreatment of calcium with simultaneous reduction of liquid volume via forward osmosis. Science of the Total Environment, 610, 137-146. S

7. Wu, S., Xu, Y.*, Sun, J., Cao, Z., Zhou, J., Pan, Y., Qian, G.* (2015). Inhibiting evaporation of heavy metal by controlling its chemical speciation in MSWI fly ash. Fuel, 158, 764-769.

8. Wu, S., Zhou, J., Pan, Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Ohtsuka, N., Motegi, M., Yonemochi, S., Oh, K.*, Hosono, S., Qian, G.* (2016). Dioxin distribution characteristics and health risk assessment in different size particles of fly ash from MSWIs in China. Waste management, 50, 113-120.

9. Wu, S., Qian, G., He, Z.* (2019). Examination of inorganic‐based draw solutes and mitigation of their reverse solute flux in osmotic microbial fuel cells. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 7 (94), 2107-2114.

10. Sun, X., Wu, S., Koksel, F., Xie, M., Fang, Y.* (2023). Effects of ingredient and processing conditions on the rheological properties of whole wheat flour dough during breadmaking - A review. Food Hydrocolloids, 135, 108123.

11. Sun, X., Wu, S., Li, W., Koksel, F., Du, Y., Sun, L., Fang, Y., Hu, Q., Pei, F. * (2023). The effects of cooperative fermentation by yeast and lactic acid bacteria on the dough rheology, retention and stabilization of gas cells in a whole wheat flour dough system – A review. Food Hydrocolloids, 135, 108212.

12. Wang, Z., Wu, S., He, Z.* (2019). Production of electricity and water in an osmotic microbial fuel cell by using EDTA-Na2 as a recoverable draw solute. Science of the Total Environment, 677, 382-389.

13. Hao, Y., Wu, S., Pan, Y., Li, Q., Zhou, J., Xu, Y., Qian, G.* (2016). Characterization and leaching toxicities of mercury in flue gas desulfurization gypsum from coal-fired power plants in China. Fuel, 177, 157-163.

14. Zhou, J., Wu, S., Pan, Y., Su, Y., Yang, L., Zhao, J., Lu, Y., Xu, Y.*, Oh, K.*, Qian, G. (2015). Mercury in municipal solids waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash in China: Chemical speciation and risk assessment. Fuel, 158, 619-624.

15. Zhou, J., Wu, S., Pan, Y., Zhang, L., Cao, Z., Zhang, X., Yonemochi, S., Hosono, S., Wang, Y., Oh, K.*, Qian, G.* (2015). Enrichment of heavy metals in fine particles of municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) fly ash and associated health risk.

16. Liang, G., Yang, Y., Wu, S., Jiang, Y.*, Xu, Y., (2017). The generation of biogenic manganese oxides and its application in the removal of As (III) in groundwater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24 (21), 17935-17944.

17. Liang, G., Zhang, B., Lin, M., Wu, S., Hou, H., Zhang J., Qian, G., Huang, X., Zhou, J.* (2017). Evaluation of heavy metal mobilization in creek sediment: Influence of RAC values and ambient environmental factors. Science of the Total Environment, 607, 1339-1347.

18. Liu, Z., Hao, Y., Zhang, J., Wu, S., Pan, Y., Zhou, J., Qian, G.* (2019). The characteristics of arsenic in Chinese coal-fired power plant flue gas desulphurisation gypsum. Fuel, 271, 117515.

19. Yue, Y., Zhang, J., Sun, F., Wu, S., Pan, Y., Zhou, J.*, Qian, G.* (2019). Heavy metal leaching and distribution in glass products from the co-melting treatment of electroplating sludge and MSWI fly ash. Journal of environmental management, 232, 226-235.

20. Hao, Y., Li, Q., Pan, Y., Liu, Z., Wu, S., Xu, Y., Qian, G.* (2017). Heavy metals distribution characteristics of FGD gypsum samples from Shanxi province 12 coal-fired power plants and its potential environmental impacts. Fuel, 209, 238-245.


《改性正渗透膜及其制备方法和应用》,吴思邈;张丽冕;梁冠男;杨海凡;许多;陈江红. 申请号:CN202311538960.9,申请日:2023.11.17

《一种改性纤维素醚及其制备方法和应用、利用改性纤维素醚循环吸附重金属离子的方法》,吴思邈;张丽冕;梁冠男;蒋浩源;杨海凡;许多;李彭. 申请号:CN202310501457.X,申请日:2023.05.06

《正渗透膜及其制备方法和应用》,吴思邈;梁冠男;张丽冕;蒋浩源;杨海凡;潘志勇. 申请号:202211223419.4,申请日:2022.10.08

《利用电镀污泥与生活垃圾焚烧飞灰协同熔融制备玻璃沙的方法》,岳阳;王斌;吴思邈. 申请号:201610416331.2,申请日:2016.06.15,授权公告日:2019.3.29


