2024年1月,南京财经大学食品科学与工程学院汤晓智、汪振炯在期刊INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES(Q1,IF: 8.2)发表题为“Preparation and characterization of starch/PBAT film containing hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin/ethyl lauroyl arginate/cinnamon essential oil microcapsules and its application in the preservation of strawberry”的研究性论文。

当配方为4% HPCD/LAE-3%CEO-9%MD (HL-3C-MD)时,微胶囊粒径最小(3.3 μm),CEO包封率最高(84.51%),抗菌效果最佳。微胶囊(HL-3C-MD)可以填充在淀粉/PBAT膜基质的界面空隙中,增加了膜结构的致密性,提升了薄膜的机械性能,在保持较好断裂伸长率(243.92%)的同时,还提升了膜的阻水、阻氧性能,同时表现出优良的抗菌活性。HL-3C-MD-SP的包装有效降低了草莓在储存期间的失重率(49.03%)、腐烂率(40.59%),保持较好的硬度和可溶性固形物含量,对霉菌(2.936 log CFU/g)和细菌(2.474 log CFU/g)都有很好的抑制效果,提升了草莓品质,延长了草莓的货架期。

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration for the preservation of strawberry with starch/PBAT films containing HPCD/LAE/CEO/MD microcapsules. A: The preparation of the HPCD/LAE complex; B: The preparation of HPCD/LAE/CEO/MD nanoemulsions; C: The preparation of HPCD/LAE/CEO/MD microcapsules and the starch/PBAT films containing microcapsules.

Fig. 2. A: SEM images (a: HL-3C-MD; b: HL-3C2M-MD; c: HL-3C4M-MD; d: HL-5C2M-MD); B: Fluorescent images of microcapsules (a: HL-3C-MD; b: HL-3C2M-MD; c: HL-3C4M-MD; d: HL-5C2M-MD).

Fig. 3. A: Particle size of microcapsules; B: Encapsulation efficiency of microcapsules; C: TG curves of microcapsules; D: Antimicrobial diameter of microcapsules (S. aureus).

Fig. 4. SEM images of films (a: SP film; b: HL-3C-MD-SP film).

Fig. 5. A: Thickness of films; B: Water vapor permeability (WVP); C: Elongation at break (EAB); D: Oxygen permeability (OP); Antibacterial growth curve of films against E. coli (E) and S. aureus (F). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).

Fig. 6. Appearance of strawberries.

Fig. 7. A: Weight loss; B: Decay index; C: Firmness; D: TSS of strawberries during storage; Total number of colonies (E) and molds (F) of strawberries during storage. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).